While I like Moleskine cahiers and I have plenty of them laying around, I still like to go the do it yourself route sometimes. I’ll be making about 50 of them fairly soon and I’ve been doing some prototyping to decide on colors and that sort of thing. Here’s a picture of a couple that I’ve made, the one on the left is the newest one. It’s not laying as flat as I’d like simply because I didn’t have any 2-ply thread and I stitched it up with 4-ply.



The one on the right was made in 2009 and I used a Gocco to put the art on the cover. The interior is a Neenah 60 Lb text, the lines were done with a laser printer. The cover Royal Compliments 100Lb cover. These are the same size as Moleskine cahiers, 3 1/2″ X 5 1/2″.