Last night I attended the opening of the MiniMini show at the the Cartel Coffee Lab. MiniMini was a call sponsored by the online artists community Spraygraphic and each piece of work submitted had to be 4″ X 4″. I love the sense of intimacy that small pieces so often communicate; I was excited to see the call and decided that I would submit something. The rules for the call weren’t very elaborate, the dimensions had to be 4″ X 4″ and depth really didn’t matter as long as the piece could be hung on the wall.

The call was very successful and ChuckB who curated the call ended up with 588 pieces submitted by 300 people from 20 countries. About 50% of the artwork was from other countries. The show wasn’t juried and everything that was received was hung but what was really surprising to me was the quality of the work, the submissions were just consistently good. In the last two days before the show was hung, 300 pieces flooded in and Chuck and his crew were so busy hanging them an index wasn’t ready by the time the show was up. I had a few favorites like these: